Monday 18 February 2013


“To me the sea is a continual miracle; The fishes that swim–the rocks–the motion of the waves–the ships, with men in them, What stranger miracles are there?” – Walt Whitman

Obi-Wan and Ghandi headed to Avalon on a beautiful summers morning only to find a very green briny pool. Avalon is an oddly wedged shaped pool with an uneven bottom covered in vegetation. It wasn't the most pleasant of swims although it is positioned looking north across Avalon beach. The surrounding concrete and rock protection fencing, left much to be desired and limited the relaxation area, while the attached kiddies pool was very shallow and had limited use. This is a pool that requires an upgrade because it is in a lovely situation. The amenities at the surf club are all in good working order. There is good public access with a bus stop at the beach and a surf club car park. 

There are a veritable plethora of cafes and restaurants in the Avalon village which has a distinctly bohemian feel. So come on council lets tart this one up, Avalon deserves the expenditure!!!!

Splosh rating a disappointing 2**1/2 stars.

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