Thursday, 13 December 2012

Deb Mitchell

 “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Deb "Ghandi" Mitchell is somewhat the Zenmaster, spiritual guide and visionary of the splosh. She fancies herself as a freedom fighter (i find that there's always one in every splosh) but on the whole this is contained to her own personal space! While, she is the splosh's resident poet and philosopher and has a knack for the superlative, she is rather more contemplative than active in the water. Appropriately her ability (or rather lack of) ensures that she is the weakest link in the swimming ranks and will act as a barometer for those potential Oceanophiliacs and I include general rock puddlians in this, who are more laconic in attitude.

The baby of the splosh, she has been spoiled and despite the other sploshee's numerous attempts to enrol her in weight loss programs, she has managed to defy the laws of starvation and now puts on more kilos per fewer calories consumed. Her extensive knowledge in this arena qualifies her for the position of splosh nutritionist. Oceanophilia enthusiasts may be interested to note that this member of the splosh uses exceptional floating technique (mainly on her back) to keep an eye out for promising local sustenance venues, a characteristic which is peculiar to her. To this extent she is the pride of the splosh who always 'LOVE A PIECE OF CAKE!'

Deb provides insight into all things atmospheric, aesthetic and makes sure the splosh is well fed!

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